What is it ?

Editor.do is the all-in-one solution for building and hosting your static websites. With our editor, you can create and edit your website code directly in the browser, without needing to download any software.

Our editor also includes hosting for your website, so you can easily publish your site online with just a few clicks. We handle the domain name and provide free SSL certificates to ensure that your website is secure and easily accessible to visitors.

Plus, we offer a vast collection of free and open-source website templates, so you can jumpstart your project with a professional design that's ready to be customized to your needs. Whether you're a seasoned web developer or just starting, our editor makes it easy to create and launch your website quickly and efficiently.

Create a new project

Each new project is associated with a domain or subdomain
To create a new project, you have the choice to use your own domain or subdomain if you have one or use a free subdomain of .editor.do

Create project

You just have to enter your domain or choose a subdomain and click on "Create".

Upload or create files

On editor.do, you have the choice to import your files or to create them directly (if it's a code file)

Click the button upload button in a project directory or right-click on a folder and click on "Add new file/Zip" and the file uploader window will appear

Upload window

1) If you want to create a file

Enter the file name and choose the language extension and click on "create"

2) If you want to upload/import files

Click on the "Upload files" button and select the files to import

PS: The file must not exceed 50MB and included in the following supported extensions
aac avif avi azw bmp bz bz2 cdf css doc docx eot epub gz gif html ico ics jar jpg jpeg js json jsonld mid midi mp3 mp4 mpeg mpkg odp ods odt ogg ogv opus otf png pdf ppt pptx rar rtf svg tar tif ttf txt wav weba webm webp woff woff2 xhtml xls xlsx xml xml zip 3gp 3gp 3g2 3g2 7z

Upload your ziped website

If you are already working on an HTML site project, and you want to deploy it, you just have to :

1) Select all the files in your site's "www" or "htdocs" folder and zip them in a zip file

2) Click on "Upload a zip " and upload this zip

Once uploaded, the files will be automatically extracted to your project or to the select folder

Install templates

Click the button upload button in a project directory or right-click on a folder and click on "Install Template" and the templates window will appear and here you can choose from thousands of templates

Attention : When you install a template in a folder, all the old files in this folder will be deleted
Free TEMPLATES listing

Import from GitHub

To import a public project from GitHub, click on "+Libs" and search for the project with its name.

Example : https://github.com/methodofaction/Method-Draw

The name of the project here is : Method-Draw

Once you've found the project, click on the green button to import it into your site's root folder.

Remark : Our IDE only lets you run HTML, CSS AND JS files. If your project includes other extensions (python, PHP, etc.), you'll be able to edit the code (as with a classical IDE), but you won't be able to run it.
github import
PS : The GitHub project must not exceed 50MB and must be public.

How to point your domain or subdomain ?

When you create a new project with your domain or subdomain, example: mydomain.com The domain configuration dialog box will open and show you the steps to follow to configure your domain or subdomain

Free TEMPLATES listing

You just have to follow these steps and once done click on the button "Verify my domain"

How to see my usage use

To see all your account information and usage, click on the button & go to "Account settings"

How to upgrade or recharge my account

If you want to make the switch to a pro account click on the button , then click on "Upgrade / Recharge" and the box for selecting the plan will open

Free TEMPLATES listing

How to put a deal code

If you have an (LTD) code click on the button , then click on "Upgrade / Recharge" and the box for selecting the plan will open

  • Select the plan corresponding to your code
  • Select the "lifetime" offer for the period and click on "Continue to payment"

The payment window will open, Click on Use LTD Code enter your code and click activate

Account deletion

If you want to delete your account and all your data please send us an email at [email protected]

Contact us

For any questions, suggestions or others please do not hesitate to contact us at the address : [email protected]